Our training course tutors have a wealth of experience. They not only know the industry incredibly well, but several of them have been heavily involved in the development of GAMP® and associated special interest group guidance.
David Thompson, Managing Director and Principal Consultant at Clarity Compliance Solutions is a Chartered Engineer with both the MIET and the MInstMC and a member of the GAMP MES SIG.
Many of our tutors have worked in the IT/Computer Systems arena for many years, providing consultancy, auditing and training to the pharmaceutical, biotech and healthcare industry across the UK, Europe, Asia and the U.S.A.
Open Forum Courses - Held across various locations, with multiple company attendees, allowing for excellent networking opportunities. We run our courses periodically throughout the year, please contact us for dates and full details of the training dates.
In-House Courses - Held at a convenient location, tailored to meet the specific needs for your organisation, allowing you to work through real issues in the privacy of your own team. We tailor the courses to meet your companies needs, enable your team to cover the technical syllabus of the course while also working on some of your real operational or project issues in the privacy of your own team and offices. Please contact us for further information and to discuss your requirements in more detail.
Gain the skills and knowledge
Training is critical in the development and implementation of everyday operations. Our courses help ensure staff are suitably trained in line with guidelines and regulatory expectations.
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+44 (0)1633 400939
+44 (0)7735 204233

Computer Systems Validation (CSV)
Validation of Computer Systems is an on going challenge for the regulated industries. Many businesses lack the knowledge, skills and resources to meet the demands that Computer System Validation poses.
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